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Candidate number - 3132

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Evaluation of the preliminary task

For our preliminary task we had to film someone in a room, with another person entering and the 2 people talking for a short time. Our Genre was comedy, based on a police drama. Our film consisted of an investigator (jenni) and a suspect (whitney), Whitney was french and couldn't understand english very well, when being questioned she misunderstood something and asked about a hamburger.

The first thing we had to do was look at an appropriate locoation for our film. The location was quite difficult to find at first as we tried to film in sprowston high school but whenever there was a time free for the room we wanted someone couldnt make it. It took too long to find a suitable room and in the end we filmed at sewell park.

Another problem that came up was the costumes. Our original idea was that the suspect was going to be an elderly woman with hearing difficulties, as we found it hard to find someone to act this person for us, and to find a suitable costume we changed it to a french teenager. The investigator was obviously dressed smartly, just as they would be in real life. wearing a suit jacket and black trousers.

Out first ideas were to have the investigator smoking in the scene, but then as we had to film inside and at school this wasn't allowed. The old woman was also meant to have a walking stick, glasses and everything but as this took to long to get a costume together we had to change it.

Also when we were filming one of out actors was very ill, meaning we had to wait until she got better, this meant we didnt have as much time to film as we would have liked. The editing for the movie went quite well, we all had parts to do and the overall film came out okay. I think the main issue in our group was timing and organisation.

Febuary 21, 2010

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